The first fully functional Ruby compiler

It’s a glorious day. The JRuby compiler is now complete and functional. Without sacrificing interpreted mode. Read more in Charles blog, here.

The results of JRuby compilation

If you are interested in what actually happens when JRuby compiles Ruby to Java bytecode, I have added some small utilities to help out with this. To compile a string:

require 'jruby'
JRuby::compile("puts 1,2,3")

If you are running with -J-Djruby.jit.enabled=false, you can also inspect the result of compiling a block:

require 'jruby'

JRuby::compile do
puts "Hello World"

The results of both of these invocations will be an object of type JRuby::CompiledScript. It has four attributes: name, class_name, original_script and code. The original_script attribute is only available when compiling from a string. The code attribute contains a Java byte array, and as such is not so useful in itself. But you can use the inspect_bytecode method to get a string which describes the compiled class. So, to see how JRuby compiles a puts “Hello, World”:

require 'jruby'

puts JRuby::compile(<<CODE).inspect_bytecode
puts "Hello, World"

Once you know what happens, you can start contributing to the compiler! =)