What is eval?

The glib answer to this question would be: “evil”. Of course, that doesn’t really tell us anything new. I wanted to explore the question of where in the spectrum eval fits in, in dynamic languages, and why the power of the language is ultimately increased by including eval.

Lately I’ve been saying that having eval is actually a roundabout way of having the interpreter be first class. After some thinking I’ve realized that this isn’t strictly true, which is why I wanted to spend some more time on eval.

The history of eval goes back to McCarthy’s paper on Lisp, long before Lisp was actually implemented. The interesting point is that the eval given in that paper can be used by the language itself, and the language can define its own semantics in term of itself, so a complete eval can be implemented in the language itself. This property is generally called a metacircular interpreter. Of course, having eval be this easy to implement in the language itself makes it extremely simple to also tweak it a bit and implement subtly different versions of the language. All of these advantages are not really based on eval itself, though, but rather in the fact that Lisp is so easy to define in terms of itself.

Eval shines more in languages where it’s really hard to define the semantics, like in JavaScript, Ruby or Perl. In these languages it is still possible to implement an eval in the language itself, but it’s extremely hard. In these languages, having eval gives you an escape hatch into the already implemented interpreter that is running the host code.

There are two different versions of eval in common use. Which one is mostly used depends on the type of the language. In homoiconic languages you will generally not give strings to eval, since you can just give the code to execute directly to eval. The typical example of this is Lisp, where eval takes an S-expression. Since it is so easy to build S-expressions (and it’s fundamentally more expressive), this means that this version of eval makes many things easy. Languages that are not homoiconic generally takes a string that contains the code, and will then parse the code and then execute it.

Most versions of eval also take an argument that contains the current binding information, or the current context. In some versions this is implicit and can never be sent in explicitly, while some languages (like Ruby and Lisp) allow you to send in the binding separately. For this to be powerful you obviously need a way to get at the binding in a current context, and then be able to store that somewhere.

So, in summary eval depends on two different capabilities that are more or less orthogonal. The first one is to call out to the interpreter and ask it to execute some code. The second is to be able to manipulate code contexts in a limited manner. Some languages allow you to do whatever you want with contexts, but that is definitely not the norm – since it disallows some very powerful optimization techniques. It is possible to get access to this information without sacrificing performance, though, as Smalltalk shows.

To get back to the question whether eval has anything to do with first class objects, we need to first look at what it actually means to be first class. Of course, the points for being first class depend to a degree on what language we are talking about. The wikipedia definition is that a first class object is something that can be used inside the programming language without restriction, compared to other entities in the language. In the context of an object oriented language, this would mean that you should be able to create new instances of it, you should be able to store it in variables, you should be able to pass it as arguments to methods and return it from methods. You should also be able to call methods on it, and so on.

Depending on how you see it, the eval function is generally pretty restricted in what you can do with it. Specifically, in Ruby, if you do the refactoring Extract Method on a piece of code that includes eval, eval will actually not work the same. This makes eval a fundamentally different method than all other methods in Ruby.

So lets change the question a bit – how can we make the interpreter first class while still retaining the simplicity of eval? The first step is to actually make the interpreter into a class. This class have one instance that is the currently running runtime. Once you have that object available at runtime, the next step is to be able to create new instances of the interpreter, and finally to be able to ask it to invoke code. The second piece of the puzzle is to make bindings/context first class, so you can create new ones at runtime and manipulate them. Once you have those two things together, eval will actually just be a shortcut to getting the current interpreter and the current runtime and ask it to evaluate some code.

Ioke doesn’t have it right now, but I have made place for it. There is an object called Runtime that reflects the current runtime. The plan is to make it possible to call mimic on in, and by doing so create a new interpreter from the current one. What is interesting is that this makes it possible to have some inherent security too. Since the second runtime mimics the first one, the second one won’t have capabilities that the first one lacks.

In Ioke a binding is just a regular Ioke object – nothing special at all really, and you can just create any kind of object and use that as a binding object. The core of simplicity in Ioke makes these operations that much simpler.

Eval is a strange beast, but at the end of the day it is still about accessing the interpreter. Generalizing this makes much more interesting things possible.

Ruby antipattern: Using eval without positioning information

I have noticed that the default way eval, instance_eval(String) and module_eval(String) almost never does what you want unless you supply positioning information. Oh, it will execute all right, and provided you have no bugs in your code, everything is fine. But sooner or later you or someone else will need to debug the code in that eval. In those cases it’s highly annoying when the full error message is “(eval):1: redefining constant Foo”. Sure, in most cases you can still get all the information. But why not just make sure that everything needed is there to trace the call?

I would recommend changing all places you have eval, or where using instance_eval or module_eval that takes a string argument, into the version that takes a file and line number:

eval("puts 'hello world'")
# becomes
eval("puts 'hello world'", binding, __FILE__, __LINE__)

"str".instance_eval("puts self")
# becomes
"str".instance_eval("puts self", __FILE__, __LINE__)

# becomes
String.module_eval("A=1", __FILE__, __LINE__)