October 4th, 2008
Language revolution
JAOO was interesting this year. A collection of very diverse subjects, and many focusing on programming languages – we had presentations about functional programming, JavaScript, Fortress and JRuby. Guy Steele and Richard Gabriel did their 50 in 50 presentation, which was amazing. I’ve also managed to get quite a lot of work done on Ioke. The result of all this is that my head has been swimming with thoughts about programming languages. I’ve also had the good fortune of spending time talking about languages with such people as Bill Venners, Lars Bak, Neal Ford, Martin Fowler, Guy Steele, Richard Gabriel, Dave Thomas, Erik Meijer, Jim des Rivieres, Josh Holmes and many others.
It is obvious that we live in interesting times for programming languages. But are they interesting enough? What are the current trends in cutting edge programming languages? I can see these:
- Better implementation techniques. V8 is an example of this, and so is Hotspot. V8 employs new techniques to drive innovation further, while Hotspot’s engineers continuously adds both old and new techniques to their tool box.
- DSLs. The focus by some people on domain specific languages seem to be part of the larger focus on languages as an important tool.
- Functional semantics. Erik Meijers keynote was the largest push in this direction, although many languages keep adding features that make it easier to work in a functional style. Clojure is one of the new languages that come from this point, and so is Scala. The focus on concurrency generally lead people to the conclusion that a more functional style is necessary. From the concurrency aspect we get the recent focus on Erlang. Fortress aslo seems to be mostly in this category.
- Static typing. Scala and Haskell are probably the most representative of this approach, in trying to stretch static typing as far as possible to improve both the programmer experience, semantics and performance.
Is this really it? You can quibble about the specific categories and where the borders are. I’m not entirely satisfied with where I put Fortress, for example, but all in all it feels like this is what’s going on.
Seeing 50 in 50 reminded me about how many languages we have seen, and how different these all are. It feels like most of the innovation happened in the past. So why is the current state of programming languages so poor? Is it because other things overshadow the language itself? I really don’t believe that. I think a good enough language would enable better tools, more productivity and more successful projects. So why isn’t it happening? We seem to be stuck in a rut. Anders Hejlsberg said in his opening keynote that the last 10-15 years have been an anomaly. I really do hope so.
What is apparent from the list compiled above is that everything that currently happens is very much evolutionary in approach. Innovation is happening, but it’s mostly small innovation.
We need a language revolution. We need totally new ways at looking at programming languages. We need new innovation, unfettered by the failures and successes of times past. We need more language implementors. We need more people thinking about these things.
I don’t know what the new approaches need to be, but the way I see it the last 10 years have been quite disappointing. If programming languages really are important tools, why haven’t we seen the same kind of innovation in that field as we have in IDEs and tools? Why haven’t we seen totally new ideas crop up? Is it because language development is always evolutionary? Does it have to be? Or is everyone interested in the field already convinced that we are at the peak right now? Or that Lisp or Smalltalk was the peak?
What needs to be rethought? I’ve read Jonathan Edwards recently, and he writes a lot about revisiting basic ideas and conclusions. I don’t agree with everything he says, but in this matter he’s totally right. We need to revisit all assumptions. We need to figure out better ways of doing things. Programming languages are just too important. We shouldn’t be satisfied with the current approaches just because we don’t know anything better.
We need a revolution.