Ruby HTTPS web calls

As I noted in my entry on Ruby security, VERIFY_NONE is used all over the place. And what I realized when I tried to use VERIFY_PEER was that it really doesn’t work for net/https, and doesn’t seem to ever have worked for me. I got a bit mystified by this since I couldn’t find much mention about it online. And then Victor Grey came to the rescue in one of the comments. The solution is to not use net/https at all, but instead use the httpclient gem (formerly called http-access2). So do a ‘gem install httpclient’. Then you can use this code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'httpclient'

clnt =
puts clnt.get_content("")

This will just work. Under the covers, httpclient uses VERIFY_PEER as default. And you can see this by changing the hostname from to That will generate a verification error directly. Awesome. So what’s the lesson? Never use net/https, folks!