Ruby-DBI and JDBC

Last week I decided it was time to get Ruby-DBI working with JDBC. I resolved to get on it since it would be highly useful and probably not so hard either. But as it turned out I didn’t really need to do anything. The work has already been done by Kristopher Schmidt. Very nice. So instead, this post will detail how to get it working with JRuby.

First download the Ruby-DBI distribution from RubyForge. Secondly, unpack. The third step is to configure and install it. Execute these commands inside the Ruby-DBI directory:

jruby setup.rb config --without=dbd_sqlite,dbd_sybase
jruby setup.rb setup
jruby setup.rb install

Now you should have Ruby-DBI installed, but no DBD drivers. Verify that it’s actually installed by running “jirb -rdbi”. The next step is to install the JDBC driver. First create a directory called $JRUBY_HOME/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/DBD/Jdbc. Download Jdbc.rb and JdbcTypeConversions.rb and put them into this directory. Also make sure that the JDBC driver you want to use is on your CLASSPATH. Now you can create a script like this:

require 'dbi'

DBI.connect('DBI:Jdbc:mysql://localhost/test', 'test', 'test',
'driver'=>'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver') do |dbh|
p dbh.select_all('SELECT * FROM a_table')

Make sure that you include the name of the driver as done in this code. The first parameter should be the regular JDBC URI with DBI: first. In this case it’s the test database on localhost I connecting to, using the test username and test password. More information about how Ruby-DBI can be used can be found by Google.