Just add scaling!

(To protect the innocent, all names of programming languages have been changed. All likeness with existing names is purely for dramatic effect.)

I have heard many times now that LRM doesn’t scale. People have been telling it to me in all these different circumstances. They tell me that languages like Deep Throttle and Moulder have scaling but LRM doesn’t. Even the Scally language has scaling – you could understand that from the name I guess. So why doesn’t LRM has this feature?

Since I’m rather fond of LRM, and really don’t want to go back to either Deep Throttle or Moulder, I decided to add scaling to LRM. I mean, how hard could it be if all these other languages have it? I have implemented langauges before, so this should just be a case of finding the correct implementation of the feature, and grafting it onto LRM’s code base, and then provide a patch to the mailing lists.

Since I knew LRM didn’t have scaling, I decided to investigate other languages that have it. I began with the original language, the one people write operating systems in. Obviously a language like Deep Throttle has scaling. So I started reading the books, looking through the syntax. But I couldn’t find anything there. What was I missing? Was there some obscure syntactic element that wasn’t documented, that provided scaling? Or was it hidden somewhere? Maybe the pointers were in reality another word for scaling? But no, it didn’t seem that way. I decided to break open GDPC, the Gnu Deep Throttle Compiler, and see if this scaling thing was actually something the compiler did autoamtically for you – a bit like register allocation. But I didn’t find any scaling allocation. There was lots of other neat stuff there, but all of it was quite mundane translations from the Deep Throttle code into machine code.

Feeling utterly dejected I turned my attention to Moulder. I assume that you all are familiar with the language – it’s used in many places around the world and provides lots of really advanced features such as garbage collection, a virtual machine, and yes – scaling! Of course, this is where it would be. Maybe Deep Throttle had hidden the feature somewhere obscure, but I was sure Moulder would make it easier to find. I started out with the syntax again, looking through the things you could do with the language. Interestingly, Moulder is a really small language, when you get down to it. It’s small but you need to say lots of things to get anything done. I couldn’t find the syntax for scaling, so I started entertaining other ideas. Maybe all those extra words “protected final static Foo” was actually necessary. Maybe the scaling happened in the spaces between the words, or in some strange interaction between them? The only way to find out was to crack open the compiler and look what was happening. In this case it was actually easier, because the compiler did even less than Deep Throttle’s compiler. Frankly, the Moulder compiler just output something bytecodes. There were no hidden scaling inlining in the Moulder compiler.

You see where this is heading? Right, I had to investigate the bytecodes that Moulder use. Where is that precious scaling bytecode? I assume it would be called something like invoke_scaling or maybe ldscaled. But nothing. There was no scaling bytecode. All of the existing bytecodes just did the same mundane things that I know LRM already can do. I was now feeling ready to give up, but I came up with one final idea. Scally is famous for being a language with scaling. It’s creators even named it after that feature. So if both Moulder and Scally has scaling, maybe it’s somewhere in Moulders gigantic standard library?

But guess what? I didn’t find it. I still haven’t found anyone who knows how you implement Scaling in a language, so I guess that LRM will never have it… Anyone who care to enlighten me, please send me a detailed email with an implementation of Scaling. I really feel the need to know how this thing works.