March 24th, 2010
I should really have blogged this earlier, but the last few weeks have been hectic. Anyway, better late then never, eh?
Tonight – that is Wednesday, March 24th – ThoughtWorks Pune will host a geek night where I will talk about JRuby. I will talk a bit about what’s coming in the upcoming 1.5 release, and other fun things happening in JRuby land.
If you’d like to come, you can find more information and registration here.
No Comments | By Ola Bini | In: blogging, jruby | tags: geek night, jruby, presentation, pune. | #
April 27th, 2009
I will hold a presentation about Ioke in London, Thursday 14th. This will be held at Skills Matters location. You can find more information, and sign up, here:
No Comments | By Ola Bini | In: ioke | tags: geek night, ioke, london, presentations. | #
April 21st, 2009
I will be doing two geek nights, organized by JAOO, in Aarhus, Denmark, and Copenhagen, Denmark. I will be talking about JRuby.
If you’re interested in the Aarhus event, it will be held on May 5th, and you can find more information and register here:
If you’re interested in the Copenhagen event, it will be held on May 6th, and registration and information can be found here:
Hope to see many of you there!
No Comments | By Ola Bini | In: blogging | tags: aarhus, copenhagen, geek night, jaoo, jruby. | #
March 22nd, 2009
The day before QCon 10 days ago, I gave a presentation at the ThoughtWorks geek night, about creating languages for the JVM. It ended up being two hours long, and is now available from Skillsmatter, here:
3 Comments | By Ola Bini | In: blogging | tags: geek night, jvm, languages, presentations, programming languages. | #
March 15th, 2009
Last Tuesday ThoughtWorks hosted a Geek Night, where I was the headline. My presentation was about Creating languages for the JVM, which as it turns out is a quite broad topic. The London office do these kind of geek nights now and again, and this time we ended up being about full capacity for what the office could hold, which is about 50-60 people. It was really crowded, actually. That is a good problem to have, though. I am glad so many turned up to see me do a two hour rambling presentation that ended up being like a non-stop fire hose of information.
I’m not going to try to summarize the actual presentation. There were way to much information in it for that. Luckily, SkillsMatter had a film camera there, and I’ve been told the video should be up anytime. Once that happens I will post about it here. In the meantime, the slides can be found here:
It was an interesting subject to present about though. I think this material could easily be a one-day tutorial. I wonder if anyone would be interesting in having such a tutorial at their conference? And whether anyone would show up for such a subject…
It was fun, though. I had a great time, and I hope the people who showed up didn’t end up being disappointed with the material.
No Comments | By Ola Bini | In: blogging | tags: geek night, jvm, languages, programming languages, thoughtworks. | #
February 28th, 2009
In one and a half week, QCon London is coming up. That will be a week of great fun, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who has the possibility to be there. I have the highest respect for Trifork and InfoQ who are organizing the QCon conferences, and I’m definitely looking forward to it.
This year I am actually not speaking at the conference itself. Instead I’m hosting a track where other people speak. My track is called “Emerging Languages in the Enterprise” and I’ve managed to convince some amazing people to show up and talk there. To be specific, my speakers are: Jonas Boner, Michael Foord, Attila Szegedi, Rich Hickey and Martin Fowler. So, if you are interested in languages, be there; it will be a blast.
ThoughtWorks UK have a tradition to organize geek nights around QCon, and this time is no exception. On the evening March 10th (that is a Tuesday) I will be talking about how to create a JVM language. I will use Ioke for most examples, but will also contrast with details from JRuby. The presentation will be quite audience controlled, so exactly what will be presented is not determined. But it should give people a good grounding in Ioke, at least. More information here. Hope to see you there!
2 Comments | By Ola Bini | In: ioke | tags: geek night, ioke, presentations, qcon. | #